
Showing posts from November, 2017

Part 2 - 5th Episode Sewing Bee!

The last Challenge for this episode was to sew a Wool Poncho or Cape for a girl within              4 hours 30 minutes! This is a drawing of the Marfy pattern I chose to use. The cape should have paspels for the hands and a collar or a hood. I also chose to make two paspels buttonholes. I had to practice to make sure that I could reach the time limit. First I made the red one, but had to speed up, and made a new one in blue as well.  Morning coffee! I met my lovely model Leah for the first time. We are ready! I had to measure the model to check if my pattern would fit.   I bought the wool fabric at  Skaar Tekstil  and it's a good quality. Our host, Christine ask me about my plans. I'm concentrating of sewing the paspels.  Me and Brage are working side by side. Button holes is coming next. The judges are looking at my project. ...