
Showing posts from November, 2018

Box Integration :)

I think this must be the closest I've been to make an artistic dress😅 It's my interpretation of the challenge from Shingo Sato. It's a triangle on top of a square box. As you can see on my picture below the triangle can stay out of the box or inside the box, but I think I prefer the last one! It was a great challenge to sew all the small pieces together at the right direction, but I managed at last. I love the slanted Seams dress from BurdaStyle, so I chose to use this pattern for the skirt. I think it will be a great challenge to use the dress as well! he-he 😂 Burdastyle pattern #107 05/2016 My good friend, Inger Hanne was my model on a local mannequin show. 

Refashion & Polka Dots

I made this refashion dress to surprise the lady who owns the shop called  Prikkar She asked me if we could make an arrangement together and of course I liked her idea 😉 I was telling about my sewing passion and I had a mannequins showing  my recycled garments and transformation dresses.    I had a long sleeved top and a sparkling top which I didn't use anymore. This is how I cut the tops. I wanted to make a skirt of the sparkling top,  and decided to use the same pattern as I used for my  Red Dress This is the wrong side turning out and you can see the pleats  at the front part and the darts for the back part.  I made a ribbon around the slits where the short sleeves have been. I used another pattern (see below) for the scarf and the bell sleeves and though it was nice with the polka dots satin fabric I bought in St. Petersburg.  I'm Happy with the dress and how it turned...

Roses are Forever

I think this will be my new Christmas Dress🌟 These roses are made with Love!💕 I started with the drawing the upper part and made some volume to make the draping for the roses. It's always fun to try new technics and this is a technic I have learned from Shingo Sato. I chose to use a BurdaStyle pattern for the skirt, and I love this hi-low style. The skirt is cut on bias therefore it's falling very nicely. now, I just have to wait for Christmas to come!  The dress will be shown on a local mannequin show this week 😍 This is how the pattern I've made look like, and you can see I have used more fabric to make the roses. I started with a red lining for the top, and I thought polka-dots was a great choice for the skirt lining! This picture was taken before the wind blow all the leaves away... The skirt for the dress is based on  Burdastyle pattern #121 04/2016

Garthered Top

This is a nice pattern that I like very much! The gathering at the side makes it special. I have used jersey with print. At first I made bell sleeves, but I was not so happy with them, so I  cut them off... I have made  another Top  before with knitted net-jersey. I was wearing the top on our nice weekend in  Stockholm  earlier this year. 😇      BurdaStyle pattern #124 06/2008

Green & Blue Refashion

Colors is nice to wear  this time of year!💎 My Lovely model Lisa was wearing the dress on a local  mannequin show at Bømlo Husflidslag.                           I'm explaining how I made the dress of the garments below. The dress is a combination of an old wool dress,  a sweater and a jacket which I didn't wear anymore. I have shown how I cut the garments apart, so it's easy to make a new fresh item!😉 The green top was perfect to cheer the dress up! As a collar I have used the bottom of the blue sweater and decorated it with a nice flower ribbon.  The sleeves and the waistband are also from the same sweater. The skirt is from the dark blue dress, so it's an easy project!  By the way, I also change the buttons to "swarovski" crystals 😊