
Showing posts from January, 2019

Dress Challenge!

This is my contribution for the Premier Dress Challenge for Christine Hope.  She is the host for the Norwegian Seeing Bee this year as well - and I love her 💖 I thought a Fresh Lady like her needed something special with a "touch of fun" With focus on "green environment" I have tried to make a refashion dress for her  from an old tunic and a top, and with curtain tassels as decoration for the belt.   "Dress Crises!" She is so sad because she don't have a dress to wear for the Premier 😒 I thought this tunic would be a great skirt for a dress for her! and the top would be nice together. I cut the tunic into a good shape for the skirt. The belt is petersham ribbon with tassels which you normally use for curtains decoration.     I had to use a color to cheer up the black top, so I have use turquoise piping.    Christine's last name is on a big button at the back! The dress is...

Grey & Yellow!

There are no limits with refashion, and it’s always nice to try new combinations with different colors 💛 - and also to try new ideas! The sleeves is rather long, but definitive warm! I cut the sleeves of the jacket and used the grey sleeves of the sweater instead. I turned the sweater inside out because it was a bit "bumpy". The V-neck was a great detail at the back of the skirt with a drawstring 😊 Since the knitting was rather loose I had to use a kind of lining, and choose a yellow sport stretch which I think is nice together. 

Origami Dress

This is a new TR Technic I have learned! I have used linen fabric and that's great to work with when you make pleats like this. Of course you have to be exactly when sewing the pieces together.. I made the front part first and then decided to combine red and black on the back as well. I could use red or black skirt for the dress, but figure out that it would be more interesting with making waves for the skirt :)  I start with drawing lines on the body and make a pattern for the origami pleats. This is how it looks like after cutting out the pattern that I made. The front part is finished.  I choose a Burda pattern for the skirt and draw the wave-lines how I wanted them to be. To make it fit the upper front I decided to use red in front and black at the back, and I'm Happy how it turned out! :) Burdastyle pattern #121 04/2016 Thanks BurdaStyle for featuring My Dress!

Wool Dress :)

My lovely friend and model Susan 😍 is wearing a new refashion dress on a local mannequin show in Etne, (close to where I live). The dress is made of an old wool jacket (sleeves), a waistcoat and an old sweater from my husband's closet.. Even if the wool has a good quality is can be a bit "bumpy" after a while, so therefore I decided to use the wrong side out. I wanted to have a plain grey skirt, so the backside of the sweater is the front of the skirt, and the sleeves became two panels for the back of the skirt😉 I turned the waistcoat back/forward and used a silver rubber-band around the neck with black pearls at the ends.  I could use some of the knitted bottom of the waistcoat as finishing for the skirt, which makes it very nice.  I made some pleats at the front of the skirt and darts at the back. Voila - finished!  I'm telling about the dress and how I made it 😊

Long Wool Jacket

This is a great jacket to wear when it's cold and freezing outside!               I have had the pattern for a long time, and I finally  got the time for sewing it!  It's from My Image 2010/2011.   It's an easy pattern, but when you have the right wool fabric it's just to do it 😉  I like the big pockets, and it's warm and cozy to wear.                                 I have even used it as an outdoor jacket, only for a short period when I'm using the car.       

Refashion Dress with Stripes!

Stripes are always Fun to work with!  This dress is made of a jacket with a shawl collar and a top with long sleeves. I started with the black top as basic body and kept the sleeves from the striped jacket. I closed the front shawl collar of the jacket with a seam and turned it back-forward. Then it became a high-low skirt for the dress which I think is very nice. The asymmetric collar is made of the last piece from the original shawl collar of the jacket. The belt is very simple with a tie and tassels at the ends. I think Sara looks fabulous in the dress💕 You can see how I have cut the top and the jacket: It's nice to use old garments to make something new 😉