1st Episode of Sewing Bee!

FINALLY, the PREMIER of the Sewing Bee has come! ♥

I have to admit that I didn't sleep very well the night before we started next morning...
We stayed at Thon hotel Rosencrantz which is a nice and cozy hotel.

We had to be ready for photoshoot at 07.15! The city of Bergen is nice in the morning :)
Here are the best SEWING FRIENDS! ♥

We were so excited, nervous and “filled with butterflies”, 
and we didn't know what to expect for the first assignment of sewing.

For each episode we have to fulfill 3 projects within the time limit:

  1. A pattern project witch you have to follow very carefully. The time limit may be different from a project to another.
  2. A transformation project. Time limit: 1 hour 30 min.
  3. A project which you have planned at home. Time limit may be different from a project to another.

The first assignment was to sew a WRAP SKIRT of brocade fabric, 

and we had 2 hours to finish the skirt.

I fell in love with a lovely orange Chinese Brocade. 
At that time I didn't realize that we also could choose cotton brocade.

I was really fustrated about the waistband because it should be longer at one side, 
and I wanted to have the seam in the middle at the back part..

It was a big challenge with the Chinese brocade, 
but I did manage to finish it at the last minute!


I was so Happy to be chosen as no. 2!

Tanja got the first price! (the second from left)

We were so excited to receive the next mission!

We were supposed to sew a Party Dress reflex vests!

The limit was 5 pcs, and we had to finish the dress in one and a half hour!

 I couldn't understand why nearly everyone choose the yellow vests,
and I decided to go for the green once.


When I came to my sewing place I recognize that the green vests where for children, 
and it was not so easy to make an adults dress for these cute vests... 


 I had to improvise, and I used the vest back-forward and made a little gathering in front with a gathered skirt. It turned out to be a mini-dress for a young girl :)
When I saw all the others nice dresses, I was so disappointed for the outcome of mine..

Finally time to drink water...!

 When the judge saw my dress, they called it a teenager dress, 

but I was really HAPPY when I got the second place for this as well! :) 

- and Tanja got the first place this time too! (the dress to the right)

Next day we had the last project for this episode:

We should make cozy pants which we also could use on disco. 
For this project we had 2 hours 30 min.
We had to prepare the pattern and fabric at home, and here are my choice of fabric:

Black coted jersey with snake print, dog print and orange jersey.  

To make sure that I could reach the time limit I had to practise at home.
This is my first sample:
I made a sparkle blue bank at the bottom of the legs.

Then I change my mind and decided to use orange, my favorite color, 
together with black and dog print.

When we started I was afraid that I couldn’t reach the time limit, so I decided to omit zippers or the blue sparkle at the bottom of the legs, even though I saw that I could have done it later on…

 Photo: Marit Hommedal

I was ready 10 minutes before the time limit and I was so relieved!

 I had to reach out a hand for Yasser to help him with his shoes :)

Then we had to go catwalk to show our new FANCY PANTS!
Our host asked if some of us had gone catwalk before, and I was the only one..

 Photo: Marit Hommedal

When I came forward to the judge, Tine and Andreas, 
I got nice compliments for my jacket as well 
– and that made me really proud, even though it didn’t show on the TV. 

Tine said; "You are ambitious", and I said "yes, I am".

We didn’t get a placement for this project. 

The judge chose “the project of the week” 
and of course Monica was really happy to get this score!

We were so HAPPY that no one had to leave the show!! :)

Next epispde of #symesterskapet will take place at nrk.no Monday 6th of Novemer at 19.45!


  1. Great work, Ellen. I wish we could see the show here!

    1. Thank you very much Jen! yeah, that would be great...! ♥

  2. Super job, Ellen ! Too bad can't see the show, but super excited for you. Thanks for sharing

    1. Oh, you are so kind Zsuzsa! :) Thanks a lot for such lovely words! Appreciate it very much! ♥

  3. I wish I could see the show too. You did a great jobs Ellen <3 <3

  4. Supert innlegg Ellen <3 Så kjekke bilder.Stor gleda meg te forsettelsen...

    1. Åååå, du er super-kjekk! ♥ Tusen takk min venn!!

  5. Morsomt at dere endelig er i gang, jeg gleder meg til fortsettelsen. Supert med omslagsskjørt, vet du hvor mønsteret kommer fra?

    1. Ja, det er kjekt! :) Mønsteret har Anne-Lise Tollefsen laget, men jeg fant en link på BurdaStyle, kanskje du kan lage ditt eget mønster..

    2. Tusen takk! Jeg har allerede sett på å lage et selv, så det blir sikkert veldig nyttig med den linken.

    3. Så bra! Masse lykke til! Gleder meg til å se det på FB ♥

  6. Love this!!! Thank you ever so much for recapping the show with so many photographs and written in English!! I feel like I was right there with you as I was reading along. Your garments are beautiful...... and I really liked those pants! Look forward to the next show! :)

    1. You are so kind! ♥ Thanks a lot for you lovely compliments, it makes me Happy to hear ;-))

  7. Love reading about it Ellen! Good luck on your next projects! You are doing great!

  8. You are doing great! Love to see this “Behind the seams”. Thank you for opening this window to those who do not have access to the program. I can’t wait to see next!

    1. Ooh, thanks a lot! I'm Happy to share this, it's so weird to be a part of the show..! Cheers to you! ♥

  9. Fascinating and great work by you, Ellen! I LOVE your pants! and I'm so happy you are sharing this on your blog.

    1. Thanks a lot Coco!It makes me happy to hear :-))

  10. Awesome and congrats!!! Way to go!!!


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