Happy Wool!
My Good friend Torunn who lives in this beautiful place! 🤩
She's wearing one of my latest wool refashion dresses which are made of 3 different wool sweaters.
I like the combination of colors and it's rather easy to transform sweaters to make a dress 😄
You can easily see how I have cut the sweaters.
I gathered the neck on both sides and made a facing with the cerise wool.
The sleeves are very wide and I have used a rubber-band as a detail.
I was not sure if I would leave them wide or finish them with a cuff,
but since the dress will be worn when it's cold then I prefer it with cuffs.
The cuffs are made of the neck for the dark grey sweater.
The ribbon for the pockets are made from the neck ribbon of the cerise sweater.
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