Transformation for Chilly Days!
It's time to make a new Transformation Dress! 💗
I started with splitting an old dress apart, and I thought the grey jacket was a good match.
I have used a bit wool from the pink sweater, and the sleeves are left from another refashion project. That's the great thing about refashion, you have a lot of parts from different project you can use together with a new project. I added the pink wool at the armhole first, and then I found a little part from a grey knitted top I had cut apart earlier, and used it for the collar.
The collar is sewn on the right side of the top, and when you turn it over the seam it doesn't show.
The cuffs are from the pink sweater as well.
The jacket is turned back-forward and sewn together as a skirt for the dress.
Since the jacket was so soft I could sew the V-neck together and just move one of the buttons.
I have gathered the skirt at the front and use a tiny ribbon at the waist from the pink sweater.
The jacket are knitted very loose, so I made a pink jersey lining for the skirt.
Then I'm ready for chilly days to come! 😉
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