Holiday Blouse 🌴

I've had this fabric for a while and thought it would be great for a blouse,
but I've not found the right pattern to use until now.
The blouse has V-neck and are gathering under the bust.
The 3/4 wide sleeves are gathered at the shoulders as well.
It has a zipper at the back, but I could take it on and off without using the zipper.
In fact there is an easy instruction in the magazine for this pattern at BurdaStyle 02/21. 

All the pattern parts are cut out.

I started with sewing the shoulders together.

I stitched the facing around the neck and connect the lower parts to the upper parts.

Then I stitched the zipper in place and connected the sleeves.

The blouse is made of light cotton fabric and is very fluffy to wear 
when the weather is sunny and warm :)

BurdaStyle pattern #111 02/21


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